
  • NICS'22


    Huynh Nguyen Hieu Nghia and Nguyen Mau Minh Duc, IASLab's members, participated in NICS'22 with a research on Automatic Speech Recognition domain.
  • Ngày hội kĩ thuật 2023


    IASlab members took part in "Ngày hội kỹ thuật 2023" where they presented their researchs about Facial Emotion Recognition and Medical Image Processing.
  • CITA 2023


    IASlab members Huynh Thanh Thong and Le Nguyen Hung presented researchs on Facial Emotion Recognition and Medical Image Processing at CITA 2023.
  • ICIT 2023


    Huynh Nguyen Hieu Nghia took part in the ICIT 2023, where he conducted additional research in the field of Automatic Speech Recognition.